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Úvod Personal data processing

Poučení o zpracování osobních údajů

(dále jen „Poučení“)

AGENTURA PLUS s.r.o. AGENTURA PLUS s.r.o. as an employer processes the personal data of its employees (hereinafter referred to as the "Employee") and applicants (hereinafter referred to as the "Applicant") in accordance with the applicable legal provisions, namely Act No. 101/2000 Coll. on Personal Data Protection (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and, with effect from 25 May 2018, also by EU Regulation 2016/679 (General Regulation on Personal Data Protection), (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation”).

Personal data administrator

AGENTURA PLUS s.r.o., 160 00 Prague 6, ID: 25759973 employer (hereinafter referred to as the "Employer" or "employment agency") telephone number: 233 352 526, e-mail:, website:

Personal data protection trustee

As of 25 May 2018 and under the Regulation AGENTURA PLUS is obliged to appoint a so-called personal data protection trustee. The trustee´s contact details are: Anna Ovcharenko,

Personal data processing policy

AGENTURA PLUS s.r.o. as an employment agency processes personal data that the applicants provide by filling in the registration form, or over the phone, or in writing. The applicants provide the data to be offered job vacancies or given information related to the offered job positions. Candidates will receive the information via telephone, e-mail, or SMS.
The processed data may include:

  • First name and surname
  • Job position/s
  • Candidate´s address
  • Date of birth
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone number
  • Knowledge, skills and experience
  • Knowledge of foreign languages
  • Economics and computing skills
  • The highest level of education completed
  • Employment history
    In association with the electronic approach to the website or app,
  • IP address, cookies, device indentifier

AGENTURA PLUS processes personal data that the applicants and employees willingly provide. The data are processed according to the regulations in force and with the consent of the applicants.
Personal data considered as sensitive, resp. special data categories (under article 9 of the Regulation: It is prohibited to process the following data: personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or philosophical beliefs or trade-union membership, genetic data, biometric data processed solely to identify a human being, health-related data, data concerning a person´s sex life or sexual orientation).

  • Data required for assessment of employee's ability to work, medical diagnosis.
  • Data required to determine, enforce, or defend legal claims, or in case the courts operate within their jurisdiction.

Methods of data processing

AGENTURA PLUS s.r.o. as an employment agency, resp. a recruitment agency processes the candidates' personal data by automated and manual means in compliance with all security principles for the management and processing of personal data. As a data controller, the agency deals with data on its own. The agency also engages external third parties in the processing of data. The obligations of these subcontractors are set out in the contracts concluded between the agency and the subcontractors and are in accordance with § 6 of the Act. All places where personal data are stored and processed by AGENTURA PLUS or its subcontractors are declared and registered as places for the processing of personal data. The client´s personal data will not be transferred to countries that have weaker data protection laws than the Czech Republic without the express consent of the client.

Personal data sources

We obtain personal data directly from our applicants who register in our system at, or by sending their resumes via e-mail, mail, or telephone. We also obtain personal data from our applicants in further communication with them in person, by telephone, in writing, etc., or from other documents that the candidates provide to us.

Consent to the processing of personal data and the consequences of refusal

Applicants render their personal data consensually. To the extent that the employment agency is obliged by law to process and store personal data, the provision of certain personal data is necessary for the very possibility of providing services by the employment agency. These data essential to provide the employment services are: all first and middle names and surnames, delivery address, date of birth, e-mail address and the applicant´s knowledge and skills. Rendering these data to our agency is considered consent to the data processing until the data object withdraws such consent.

Who is authorized to access the perosnal data

Applicants' personal data may be made available to the employees of AGENTURA PLUS s.r.o., employees of companies in the group, cooperating persons who help AGENTURA PLUS s.r.o. fulfill its obligations (including the exercise of rights and obligations arising from contracts concluded between the agency and its customers), natural and legal persons, resp. their employees who co-operate with our agency as personnel service providers (especially in search and selection of employees) and persons authorized under other legal regulations (e.g. judicial authorities, investigative, prosecution, and adjudication bodies, etc.). These data may also be made available to others if the data subject gives specific consent.

Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data

Our applicants render their personal data consensually and they have the right to revoke this consent in whole or in part at any time. Consent can be revoked by a written statement or by e-mail to From the date on which the consent is revoked the employment agency may only process the personal data to the extent indicated by another legal reason for processing, namely: in particular when executing legal obligations as an employer, or for the protection of legal rights and claims.

The period for which the data object agrees to the data processing and the retention period for personal data

Consent to processing is given for the entire period of operation of the website The period for which consent is provided also ends when consent is withdrawn (see also above).

Other activities related to the processing of personal data are governed by the Act and the Regulation as amended.